How to Make Teamwork Effective?

Powerful teamwork is the key to a successful and effective business. Teamwork leads to increasing productivity and producing better solutions to problems.

If you have the right strategy, well-defined processes, good management tools, you know that you can count on your team to get the job done.

The post on Medium created by team proposes to pay attention to 3 recommendations about what should be done to make teamwork effective. Here we publish some key points from this interesting article.

What are the signs of effective teamwork?

The effectiveness of the teamwork is possible to be evaluated with the help of the following indications:

  • The company has a clear goal, and the team has a clear understanding of this goal.
  • The communication between team members is well established. It does not matter how long team members know each other — the most important thing is a great way of communication between them.
  • The team is well motivated to work. Every team member should be satisfied with both the working conditions and the salary — and then it becomes possible to count on him and to call this whole team effective.

How to make teamwork effective?

  1. Keep in mind the personality types and interests

Any project probably starts with the process of forming the team. It’s crucial for project managers to select high-qualified professionals and make up a team with the least risks of inconsistencies in the interests, methods of project development, or even just preferences in certain technologies. It’s a good idea to gather a uniform team that will give a greater chance to manifest the effective teamwork.

  1. Choose appropriate task management software

Task management software can make everyone’s life easier.  Use it in your teamwork practice and enjoy impeccable planning, a proper distribution of tasks and the tracking their execution by deadlines and quality. It will improve the effectiveness of not only the entire teamwork but also the activity of each particular specialist.

  1. Choose the appropriate projects for your team

Choose the project based on its overall competence (knowledge, experience with specific technologies, velocity, etc.). It could be weird to assign work on complex projects to a team of newcomers, or it is unacceptable to give urgent work the teams who are used to working in a less hasty pace.

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