What If Your PMO has Zombie Symptoms?

How to recognize If your project management office has Zombie symptoms? Is it actually a problem?

The Plainview blog warns us: there is a cause infecting businesses, creating a condition termed the Zombie PMO.

The name points to the reality that many PMOs are failing to be flexible and adaptable. And these traits are critical in today’s work environment.

Let’s dive into some cures that were shared by Planview experts. here’re the extracts:

The symptoms and behaviors you should look out for in your PMO:

  • Operating with a one-size-fits-all philosophy
  • Being mired in clerical tasks
  • Maintaining the same standards, regardless of changing work types
  • Upholding a flimsy definition of value
  • Disability to recognize the variety in projects

Actually, a Zombie PMO is the office that focuses on easy tasks and has a rigid approach to consistency.

Those already afflicted by this Zombie state must administer a cure immediately.

Using the cures this PMO can go from the Zombie state to being adaptive, enlightened, and value-driven.

So what are the cures? You may get more watching the full webinar about this subject. Follow the link.

Take care of your PMO’s state and have great projects results!

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